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Application Procedure

This page aims to explain the main steps in the application process, and will give you an overview of the process from filling in your application form to the final allocation of college places. The deadline for receiving completed applications for 2022 entry is Saturday, 18th of December 2021

Step 1: Check your eligibility

UWC scholarships are offered to all Maltese residents - irrespective of nationality - who have been attending school in Malta for the past 3 years and who will be:

  • For UWC Adriatic; at least 16 years by December 2022 and not older than 18 years by 1st August 2022 (i.e. students born between 1st August 2004 and 31st December 2006 are eligible to apply).
  • For UWC Mostar; at least 16 years by 1st August 2022 and not older than 18 years by 1st August 2022 (i.e. students born between 1st August 2004 and 1st August 2006 are eligible to apply). 

Step 2: Talk to your parents

We can only accept applications which are supported by your parents or legal guardians. Tell them about the UWC movement and show them this website, so that they can support you throughout the process. 

Step 3: Fill in and Submit your Application Form 

Kindly note that your application shall be submitted to UWC generally, and not to a specific or preferred UWC college. In light of the new COVID-19 restrictions, the application form is to be filed online here.

Your completed application form and all supporting documentation must be submitted by the deadline, which is Saturday, 18th of Decmember 2021. Please contact us by e-mail ( as early as possible if you are going to have trouble submitting your application in time. 

All application forms are carefully read by a team of trained reviewers - they are all familiar with the UWC movement and are looking for candidates with the potential to thrive in the unique environment of a United World College. Each application form is read by at least three reviewers and between them they draw up a short-list of candidates to interview. 

Please do note that because of the high quality of applications we receive, many strong applications will not be short-listed. 

Step 4: The Pre-Interview and Interview Day 

If your application form is successful, you will be invited to attend a group pre-interview session and an individual interview held in January 2022.  

Step 5: Offer Letter 

Following the Assessment Day, we will let you know whether you were successful and if so, which college you have been allocated to. At the same time, we will let you know what contribution towards the fees we require (this ranges from zero to full fees if you were not successful in obtaining a scholarship). 

If you are unsuccessful, you may be nominated for a short course, or you may be offered a place on the waiting list in case any more places become available. The allocation of waiting list places involves a lot of discussion with both you and your parents, and may take several months.